Ladies at East Pointe COC preparing lunch for door-knocking guest from around the country.

Door-knockers, on the streets, help Woodland West congregation get the word out.

Door-knockers support on streets of Woodland West area.

Ladies at Woodland West preparing yummies for door-knockers.

Putting in work!

Returning data for efforts on the streets.

Carrying the message with a smile


Forrest Hills ladies got preparing the after-street lunch.

Texas and Louisiana on the street in East Pointe area

A mix of youth and wisdom

Young adults from Mississippi guided by their elder

Crossing I's and dotting T's!

Refresh from a afternoons work in the Lord

What a fellowship!

Forrest Hills member enjoying the experience.

A good afternoons work! Can't wait to do it again tomorrow.

Unity choir directed by bro Gerald Turner

Unity Choir directed by Alonza Winston

Sing Chillun!

Closed the first night out back at the Sheraton for fellowship