Don't judge me. I travel on a budget.

Leaving the airport en route to my host family became apparent I was no longer in the U.S. No beer or cigarette ads.
This is what happens when you wait a couple of years to publish. I forgot the name of this game. It was dominoes on steroids. They play with 55 bones at a time.
Not sure if this was a house flipping crew. Either way they didn't adhere to the same safety standards as accustomed in America.
Cubans are quite friendly and love cameras.
Ad promoting Cuban livelihood.
For the most part the Cubans are in pretty good shape.
Weightlifters preparing for the 2024 Olympics...maybe!

Love the people on the streets of Havana
Looks like downtown Ft. Worth to me
People being people
The character of the people is somewhat in proportion to the cars they drive. Just like America without the variety
Everybody is a uncertified mechanic...Everybody!

Hoopsters in the park. Lighting wasn't that great. Looks like some Nike's got through the checkpoints
Seniors keeping fit
This was a morning workout
If you can read this then you know more than me

As mentioned earlier the Cuban people are so friendly. This lady was cleaning the balcony along the beach and caught me checking her out
Fishing has economic value on the island by the sea
Fresh octopus!
Love the various means of transportation. When your feet get tired this is a welcome sight

Constant nostalgic reminders everywhere
"hey mira a donde vas."

A day in the life.

Leftover Russian transportation

Technology has found its way to the island
Fly-Azz Kars!!

Cubans love the camera

I felt at home when I saw this.


"Ah..Sofia home...Sofia home!"

Brothers next door to the Church of Christ
Kids are just!
Fresh Fruit!
Chinese low riding!!
It happens everyday

Looks like a 50 years ago in Como.

The streets talk.

Love those columns
Hasta la proxima vez!!!!!!!!